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Transaction Security and Payment Methods

With ShopCoswell, your online shopping experience is always easier and more reliable.

Payemnt methods:

For payment, you can choose between Credit Card and PayPal.


Payments with PayPal

How Paypal works

PayPal is a simple online payment system that serves as an alternative to credit cards. Using PayPal is very easy: open a free account, confirm your email, and link a payment method to your PayPal account. You can then shop at the most prestigious online stores and pay with just a few clicks. With PayPal, you don’t need to enter your financial details for every purchase or share your personal data with the seller.

What PayPal does is quite simple: it acts as an intermediary between the buyer and the seller, ensuring that the charge and payment are successfully processed through various banking networks.

Is VAT included in the total order amount?
VAT is included in the individual product prices and, therefore, in the total amount of your order. 


When will the amount be charged to my credit card?
The amount will be charged to your credit card at the time of order shipment.


Are the credit card details used for the purchase secure? 
Yes, your credit card details are protected and secure, as they are provided directly to PayPal. PayPal then processes the data through authorized international banking networks, which return the transaction result and confirm the purchase. Your credit card details are not transmitted to or stored on INCOS Cosmeceutica Industriale S.r.l. servers.