Insecticide Mats contain an effective pyrethroids which acts against Common Mosquito (Culex Pipiens) and Tiger Mosquito (Aedes Albopictus). If the Insecticide Mats are turned on in semi open environinents like on terraces, balconies, or porches etc. They help to protect people by keeping the mosquitoes away. Insecticide Mats leave off a pleasant scent in the rooms thanks to the presence of Mint, Eucalyptus and Geranius extracts in the formula.
Contains 1 diffuser + 10 mats
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: Place a small plate into the heater and plug it into a suitable power socket. In a few minutes the products begins its action, and remains effective for at least 8-10 hours.
WARNINGS: Do no contaminate food, beverages or containers intended for that use. Do not touch the device during use. Do not use the device in a closed environment. If the product is used in rooms where you stay for a long time, and in bed rooms, it is advised to air the room before entering again. Do not use continuously in presence of sensitive individuals (children and asthmatics). Keep away from food and drink. Do not hold the electric diffuser in contact with tissue, paper or combustible materials in general, when it is in action.